Frequently Asked Questions
Contact Info
The Regional Sewer District is open daily from 8:00 – 4:30 for drop offs of project submittals and payments. If you require a meeting with an engineer, please schedule an appointment in advance by contacting the engineer directly or by calling 740-833-2240. No appointment is needed for drop-offs.
We continue to offer several no-contact or limited contact options for submitting payment or project items:
User Fee Payments:
- Credit card and e-check payments may be made online at Click on billing tab, then pay bill online. Choose user fees/pay sewer bill from the payment type drop down menu. A 2.5% convenience fee will be charged for credit card transactions. E-check payments are charged a flat rate of $2.50.
- Online Bill Pay – Customers are able to schedule payments through your own bank’s online bill pay.
- Mail to: DCRSD, 1610 State Route 521, Delaware, Ohio 43015
Capacity/Inspection/Plan Review/Sewer Tapper Fees
- These payments may be made online at Click on billing tab, then pay bill online. Choose the appropriate payment type from the drop down menu. A 2.5% convenience fee will be charged for credit card transactions. E-check payments are charged a flat rate of $2.50.
- Mail to: DCRSD, 1610 State Route 521, Delaware, Ohio 43015
Project submissions (plans/calculations/agreements, etc.)
- Documents being submitted for projects may be e-mailed. Please submit project related documents to:
When are sewer bills mailed?
Sewer bills are mailed the first week of February, May, August, and November.
When are sewer payments due?
Sewer payments are due on March 10th, June 10th, September 10th, and December 10th.
Does the Sewer District provide other services besides sewer?
The Sewer District provides only sewer service. Contact Del-Co Water for water service.
How do I report a back-up?
Emergency Sewer Backups
After Hours: 614-554-6583
During Normal Business Hours: 614-436-7999 or 740-549-1906
Our offices, including the Sanitary Engineering office, are located at 1610 State Route 521, Delaware, Ohio 43015.
Normal office hours are 8am – 4:30pm Monday thru Friday, excluding holidays.
Sewer user fee payments should be
mailed to the following address:
Delaware County Regional Sewer District
PO Box 614
Lewis Center, Ohio 43035
Sanitary Engineering office: (740) 833-2240
Sanitary Engineering fax: (740) 833-2239
Emergency phone (24 hours): (614) 554-6583
Alum Creek Water Reclamation Facility: (740) 833-2226
Olentangy Environmental Control Center: (740) 833-2228
For utility marking please call OUPS
at 8-1-1 or 1-800-362-2764, at least 48 hours but no more than 10 working days (excluding weekends and legal holidays) prior to digging